Ben Schwag to run workshops in Tunis

The next Ben Schwag workshops will be held in Tunis, Tunisia in March 2023. Ben has worked in Tunis several times already. These workshops coincide with the Carthage Puppetry Art Days.

Called From Stage to Screen, they will focus on the skills involved in filming a puppet show for TV or YouTube. Ben recognizes that a single workshop cannot turn puppet-masters into TV directors. So the workshops are intended as an overview that will cover subjects that include:

  • The conceptualization and development of the script
  • Script writing and its importance in relation to the shoot
  • Pre-production, including script breakdown, planning, and budgeting
  • Camera angles to create visual interest
  •  Lighting and creating mood and atmosphere  
  • Camera movement to create a sense of motion and energy
  • Sound design to enhance the cinematic atmosphere and create a sense of immersion and emotion
  • Editing and post-production with techniques to refine and enhance the footage as well as the use of color grading to create a consistent look and feel that adds to the visual interest.

“The idea is that the participants leave the workshop with an understanding of the various facets of filming a show,” says Schwag.

The workshop will take place at:

March 15, Douroub cultural centre. 45 Avenue Jean Jaurès , Tunis,

March 16, 5pm: Théâtre de Poche (Cité de la Culture), Av. Mohamed 5, Tunis. For details, +216 70 028 319

Ben in the news

Ben Schwag listed on magazine cover
Ben was interviewed at his Tunis workshop

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